As a Congregation We are a church where ALL are welcome!!
We believe we are made in the image of God. All of us. As such we are ALL worthy of love and respect. We are a church that invites all to come and worship. We are people from varied walks of life and backgrounds. We believe that church exists to be a place for us to come and experience the Divine and partake in God's word. We gather Sundays to hear the word of God and figure out how to take that word and put it into action in the community around us. We believe that church is more than just Sunday mornings, and we seek to help our neighbors and those outside the church walls. Whoever you are, we invite you to come and experience God with us!
As a Denomination In essentials, unity; In nonessentials, liberty; In all things, charity. -early Disciples motto, attributed to Rupertus Meldenius
First Christian Church is congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Disciples Church (DOC) is a denomination that seeks to be the Body of Christ by valuing freedom and diversity among ALL those who claim themselves as members. Congregations and members are free to search for ways to explore and express their faith in Jesus Christ through worship and various types of ministries.
While local congregations are not tied into a hierarchical authority structure, we do live in covenant with the Great River Region ( , and the National General Assembly, ( "The mission of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): to be and share the good news of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving, and serving from our doorsteps to the end of the earth." We hope to be a safe place for you to stretch and grow as you explore your faith and challenge your beliefs. Come experience this love and mission with us!!